Friday, November 19, 2010


Reg is a schizo, I know this. He sees things that aren't there, but last night he saw the Demon.

We stayed up while the others slept. Neither of us felt OK. We weren't sick, just aware that something wasn't right. Around 12 in the morning we went to the bottom of the floor of the apartment to check it out for lack of anything better to do. Bruce said the owner of the apartments could never get the doors open down there, so we wanted to try.

After failing to open one door no matter how we tried to pick the locks, I turned to the stares and ran into Reg. He was looking up at the top where the Demon was. I pulled an EverymanHybrid and tried to hit him. Not with a baseball bat but what an old pipe that was on the floor near Reg. I hit the demon once, then he vanished. He didn't even try to stop me, he just took the blow and left. I swore he would try to kill me for it.

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